There are a few things in this world I absolutely love. Amongst them are the obvious family, friends and then there is my time alone, my aquatic farm and a few other things that don't warrant mentioning. However, given all of those things there is nothing I love more than the gift of discovery i.e learning. There is something almost spiritual about uncovering new information and the rush I get personally when I find out something that I didn't know or the tingling sensation I get when I am in a learning environment. I am as giddy as a kid on Christmas Day.
I choose to share this because we have to make learning the same way for kids at all levels K-12, urban and rural and of all nationalities. Learning in many regards has been highjacked by our incessant appetite for data and test and the voiceless customer i.e kids are constantly being deprived of the opportunity to develop a true love for learning. Thoughtful people must find a way to disrupt the routine of school for it is the routine portion that has completely turned kids off and often times relegated school and learning to a chore instead of the exciting adventure learning can be. I AM a firm believer that learning can be cool.
That's My Truth and I AM Sticking to it...
Irvin PeDro Cohen