Tuesday, January 17, 2012

February's My Two Cents (From New Town Success Zone Newsletter)

February is always a special time for me.  In particular because it’s the time of the year the world gets to see and hear what I already know and that is African-Americans have made significant contributions to making America the country it is today.  It’s of particular importance in communities like New Town because the reality of many of the young people we work doesn’t support what we know and that is African-American’s contribution go beyond athletics, entertainers and Dr. Martin Luther King. 
Every time I walk down the halls of the neighborhood schools or talk to any of the students I try to remind myself that I maybe in the presence of a young African-American who may change the world.  Therefore, we must all be mindful of our contribution to young people.  Social issues like poverty, violence, lack of adequate food options and assess to healthcare are man made barriers that we have the opportunity to tear down.  Who knows with our help we may be nurturing the next great person who can change the world.

1 comment:

  1. This is why men need to step up and
    be responsible for
    their families and communities.
    Those with education should always be
    educators in and outside the classroom
