Very rarely do I take a stand based upon political ideology because to be quite frank at times both parties seem to be different shades of gray yet still gray. Furthermore, in my personal pursuit to join the 1% and maintain my sense of global humanity who knows what or who my personal politics may call for me to support.
That being said and politics aside there is no question where I stand as it relates to the idea of discrimination and my vehement support for those who personal rights are being infringed upon based upon their sexual orientation. First and foremost I am NOT lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender. I am just a guy with an opinion who feels pretty passionately about sharing it. The actions here locally (Jacksonville, FL) and on a broader front across our country as it relates to people who fall into the aforementioned categories is a little bit disappointing in particular around the area of discrimination and human rights. The aforementioned last I checked were human beings, sons and daughter, brothers and sisters and the term “protected category” seems a little offensive to me. I AM a heterosexual African-American male do I fall into a “protected category” as well? I digress…
The mere fact that we are debating in 2012 if people who are living THEIR lives as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender should be free of discrimination is absolutely CRAZY. I will admit I AM not smart enough to know the afterlife implications of being any of the aforementioned, but neither are any of the folks who cast judgment based up what God says. I often find myself asking myself how can any of us in our limited understanding, understand a presence that has ALL POWER, is ALL KNOWING and EVERYWHERE at the SAMETIME. Something about the word ALL lets me know that my limited understanding can’t even come close.
That being said I know people and have very good friends who I LOVE dearly who happen to fall in the LGBT category and I would be quite upset if I found out they were not being afforded the human rights their BEHAVIOR afforded them. The only time I feel personally that discrimination is warranted is when foolish behavior is obvious and then I think discrimination should encompass US ALL. Otherwise people should be looked upon as exactly that, PEOPLE. If we collectively spent more time trying to see the GOD in each other rather than the limited things our physical eyes show us then I think we would ALL be better off.
I wrote this as my personal statement to show where I stand in the fight against discrimination based upon sexual preference. To many times we have closet conversations around issues of human decency and elected officials in their limited capacity to accommodate their electorate make decisions based upon what they think WE want. Therefore, I thought it prudent to let the following people:
Dr. Johnny Gaffney – City Councilman for my district – District 7
Alvin Brown – Mayor of my city – Jacksonville, FL
Rick Scott – Governor of my state – Florida
Corrine Brown – Congresswoman for my part of the city – Jacksonville’s Northside
Bill Nelson –US Senator for my part of the city –Jacksonville, FL
Barrack Obama – President of my country –United States
I Irvin PeDro Cohen am firmly against DISCRIMINATION of any kind based upon sexual preference. There you have no question where I stand.
This is truly my truth and I AM sticking to it…
Irvin PeDro Cohen
I sevond that motion!