As a candidate for political office one of my greatest
challenges was the level of political apathy shown by many voters, particularly
those in urban areas. The commonly
held idea that “those” folks gonna do what they gonna do, so it doesn’t matter
if I vote or not stuck in my craw like no other sentiment shared along my
political walk. However, in the
space of public education that mantra seems to hold true like no other.
Case in point and I am sure this is played out across the
country in many other urban communities and school systems my alma mater is now
in the mist of receiving its 3rd principal in 3 years. That means since the 9th
grade the upcoming class of 11th graders have had a new
instructional leader ever year since they started high school. All often times
under guise of “school improvement.”
Couple this with the carousel of teachers that come and go in urban
schools and you have a revolving door that’s reflective of the many teenage
girls hairstyles.
Without a doubt I am for whatever it takes to help students
achieve and reach their full potential.
I do however; question the logic when schools reflect the unstable
social environment many of these students come from. It is my personal belief that part of what makes ALL
environments whether its schools or work successful is consistent leadership at
the top. That consistent
leadership at the top offers students in particular those from volatile
environments an opportunity to know that at least for a while you know where
you can go and someone knows your story.
It is further my belief that knowing a student, his family or his/her
environmental story allows for accountability to develop based upon the fact “I
SEE YOU.” Inconsistent leadership
oftentimes based upon over reliance of test data that has a huge level of
skepticism in urban communities sends a message to those same communities and those
same students that “WE” gone do what “WE” gone do and “YOU” can’t do anything
about it.
Finally, what this inconsistency at the top leads to is a
level of apathy that impacts parental and political involvement based upon lack
of influence in any decision making process. Not only does apathy impact parents, but I would offer it
impacts student achievement as well.
Students by in large want to do well for people they know care about
them and their story and that takes time. Schools and student development are no different than
any other human relationship (think 90 Day Rule). However, when it comes to urban schools that relational
development and its impact on student achievement seems to have more contingencies
than true “economic recovery.” Thus leaving schools like every other
institution within urban communities filled with nameless faces and irrelevant
stories that do not impact the bottom line.
That’s My Truth and I AM Sticking to It…
As I hit the customer service bell and scream NEXT...
Dr. Irvin PeDro Cohen