Monday, May 23, 2022

Gun #Everybody Got A Pistol

On Saturday, June 4th, LISC Jacksonville and community partners from all over the country will take part in a national day of recognition called Wear Orange to recognize the victims of gun violence. While personally I don’t purport to be someone who is vested in the gun argument, what I do acknowledge is that guns kill people. No matter if the assailant is a mentally challenged person with a penchant for racist ideology or someone who has lost their cool and reacts to an offense, the outcome is still the same: someone had access to a gun, and now someone or some people are dead or seriously injured. According to research provide by the Pew Research Center, in 2020, 45,222 people met their maker due to gun violence. Another way to look at this is every day, 124 people in the United States die due to a gun. 


In communities that LISC serves across the country, “residents are 10 times more likely to die from gun homicides and 18 times more likely to be injured by guns,” based upon research provide by Everytown for Gun Safety, a leading voice in the area of gun safety advocacy. To make this point even more salient, every single day, 30 African Americans will die from gun violence. As of this writing, according to data provided by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office there have been 50 murders so far in Jacksonville. What is even more shocking is that nationally, according to the latest CDC report homicide is the leading cause of death amongst young Hispanics and African Americans between the ages of 10-24. 


On June 4th, LISC Jacksonville will pause and stand with other community organizations locally and across the country to Wear Orange to honor survivors of gun violence and to commemorate those whose lives ended because of gun violence. We serve with and stand alongside community partners such as Moms Demand Action, Everytown for Gun Safety and those victims both living and deceased to collectively acknowledge the senselessness of gun violence. It is also to acknowledge the trauma that comes as a result of gun violence.


For LISC Jacksonville, June 4th is not about the political posturing inherent in the gun discussion. It is about acknowledging this issue relative to the communities we serve, and the implications gun violence has on them. It is about affirming our position regarding the outcomes and interventions that we know work for those very same communities. Our work seeks to create systems of safety amid various forms of violence in our most vulnerable neighborhoods. 


We cannot and should not stand by and allow the narrative to continue that suggests if you live in certain areas of town, you are likely to die due to gun violence. Our commitment to better outcomes has to be bigger and bolder than that. Furthermore, if we are to address the current affordable housing crisis, we must be prepared to address the issue of gun violence in these same communities because they must be a part of a desirable and larger housing solution. 

That's My Truth and I AM Sticking To It


Dr. Irvin PeDro Cohen

Executive Director LISC JAcksonville

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