Wednesday, May 18, 2011

For People 40 and Over…

I recently read a blog on one of my favorite Blog spots (Very Smart Brotha) and it was so inspiring that I decided to compile my own list of things that people over 40 people should and should not do.  Some of the things may be offensive, but please know that they were all given in a spirit of love.
  1. If you are 40 and over and considering getting a tattoo and the only place left on your body is your hands, face and neck by all means please don’t do it.  You are not a rapper and a big tattoo on the aforementioned places is not a good look when you are trying to explain to an employer why they should hire you or bidding for services if you are an entrepreneur.
  2. If you are 40 and over and still have not become the rapper you set out to be in your teens or early 20’s let it go.  No one is going to party with someone who they can call daddy or mamma.  Just think Pants on the Ground and you will see just what you will look like (
  3. If you are 40 and over and the only thing of value you have are your rims on your car or your chain around your neck I have to ask where are your priorities?
  4. Ladies if you are 40 and over and you still think you need a thug in your life then get over it.  He probably wants your daughter and if you don’t watch out she probably wants him to.  Look at her teacher.
  5. Men if you are 40 and over and you still think you are a thug, let it go.  Ain’t nothing cool about carrying the mantra of being a thug and you have kids in school.  What is the message you are sending to  them when their daddy is an unemployed, tattooed up, weed smoking dude, who stands on the block screaming he is gangsta bout his.
  6. If you are 40 and over and you and your teenage son or daughter are going to get tatted up together that’s not a good look.  What next piercings or maybe even the sharing of the same mate.  At some point there has to be some distinguishable lines between you and your child.
  7. Ladies if you are 40 and over and your man departs for a jail bid every few years let him go.  No man 40 and over should make a habit of going back and forth to jail or prison.  At some point you have to demand he make a choice, you or the block or the dudes in the joint.
  8. If you are 40 and over and live anywhere other than New York and don’t own a valid driver’s license shame on you.  At some point it is not a good look for really grown people to have to bum a ride to get from place to place.
  9. If you are 40 and over and live at home with your parents you should immediately be put out.  The only exception is if you are in transition, which only last for no more than 12 months.  There is nothing ok about bumping into your dude’s or lady’s mom in the middle of the night during a bathroom run.
  10. If you are 40 and over and still mad at some of your high school classmates for what they did during high school I will pray for you because at some point you have to get over it and move on.  They probably don’t remember what they did and if given the chance they might even say they are sorry and offer to buy you a drink.
Bonus:  If you are 40 and over you no longer get to sit on the fence.  Make a decision and move forward I along with everyone else will continue to love you regardless.While most of this is meant to be a tad bit humorous the reality of it all is that it comes from a place where these are choices and actions many people make on a daily basis.  Therefore, take with a grain of sarcasm, but use as a guide post if you are faced with any of the above decisions.

I AM Irvin PeDro Cohen and That’s the Way I See It

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